Rosana Kooymans

Junior's blog


For once, Junior has no clue what to say. This is very rare. Junior is *always* thinking and talking. But today Junior just can't find the words.

Do you have suggestions for Junior? Smile Happy

Christmas Tree on top of a building!

Junior spotted this today! Every year, a large Christmas tree is placed on top of the Nedinsco building in Venlo. Junior could see how the tree was taken to the top of the building, well one floor below the top, since there are constructions going on right now. We don't want the Christmas tree falling down! Mommycat will soon post lots of pics from the Nedinsco building and the tree!

No vacation for Junior!

Junior recently discovered that Junior will not be going home to San Francisco, or anywhere else, on holiday during Christmas. Junior is looking forward to Christmas dinner though! But Junior would rather have yummy dinner in San Francisco! Crying Junior will go to bed now. Maybe Junior will have a better mood tomorrow.

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