Rosana Kooymans

Junior's blog

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day from Junior!

MySims Party Moblog #5

Well, Junior is going back home already! And Junior is almost home too! Aunt Resie stayed in the train in Eindhoven but Junior had to switch to another train so now Junior is alone with the secretaries again. Junior has had a very nice day, because Junior also went to the Burger King on the station in Utrecht to have a drink with the secretaries and aunt Resie and aunt Madelon and aunt Maud and also to chat more. Junior is now really tired though. So sleepzzzzzzzzzzz...

Byeeeeee train! Bye byeeee!

MySims Party Moblog #4

Aunt Anita, uncle Troy and uncle Tim!

Sooooo, the presentation is over again and it was a lot of fun! The female secretary got to play MySims Party and she won an uncle Chef Gino statue! It was first on the table! Uncle Troy has told a lot, and uncle Tim has also explained MySims Party and MySims Racing in a very nice way. It's a bit like Mario Party and Mario Kart but also not at all, because you can make everything yourself like you can always do in MySims! Unfortunately Junior couldn't take pictures of the racing game because it isn't finished far enough yet. But it's a lot of fun! The secretaries will probably post a preview on their sites soon!

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