Rosana Kooymans

Junior's blog

Moblog Junior #6


Today Junior visited the convention again, Junior only wanted to go to Hawaii. But my secretaries just had to go and beg for more keycords. They are pretty happy with it, I think. My male secretary has 3 more now and my female secretary has gained 7 of them! They are completely nuts. Maybe Junior should seek professional help for them. Or at least for Junior. To prevent Junior from going completely insane.



Oh right! Junior has taken a few bites from the Subway bun from the female secretary. That was good, but Pizzahut is still slightly better...


And in the Business Lounge from EA Junior has secretly sipped from the female secretary's champagne. Was special, but now Junior is a bit *hips* dizZzZzZzZz...

Click here to see the photos from the EA Business Lounge!

Moblog Junior #5

We are back at Pizzahut, pizza has been ordered but it's not here yet. Junior is here with the secretaries and Robert and Fabian from

Robert and Fabian don't really like onion on their pizza, so half of the pizza is with onion and half of the pizza is without onion. Guess which half is for Junior?

Moblog Junior #4

Junior is bored...

Hi everyone! I just made a beautiful drawing of myself, because Junior was bored. But the drawing is now finished, so I'm bored again, so I've decided to blog some more. My secretaries keep on telling me that I will "Spore" in Leipzig, but they always tell me that I don't spoor (in Dutch this means that I am a nutcase)! Junior still doesn't get it. How can Junior "Spore" and not "spoor" at the same time?

Junior confused...

Junior will think very hard about this. If Junior gets it, Juunnniiooorrrrrrr will return...

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